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Our customised one-hour complimentary consultation is an optional in-store landscape design service developed to ensure you leave with clarity and direction for your project. It’s our goal to find a look that highlights and accentuates your property’s visual appeal and creates a strong aesthetic that will marry with the internal spaces of your home and your lifestyle.
During your appointment, our experienced design consultants will guide you through our comprehensive design process, from beginning to end. We'll address all aspects of the design, such as material selection, color and pattern, functionality, installation, and maintenance, as well as anything else you may need to know. Our goal is to make the process as simple as possible for you, so we'll be sure to answer any questions you may have.
Book an Appointment
Design tip
Preparing for a design consultation is important because it allows you to make the most of your time with the design consultant and ensure that you receive the best possible guidance and advice.