How To Clean LVP Flooring Efficiently

Okay, be honest – does everyday life sometimes leave your floors looking a little less than their best? From tracked-in dirt to pet hair tumbleweeds and the occasional spilled coffee, it happens! 

But fear not; keeping your beautiful LVP (luxury vinyl plank) flooring looking as good as new is easier than you think.

LVP flooring is loved for its durability and stylish looks that mimic real wood. It handles the chaos of busy households amazingly well. But, to keep it looking fabulous, a little regular TLC goes a long way.

Ready to make those floors gleam again? This guide will show you exactly how to clean LVP flooring. 

We'll discuss everyday maintenance, go-to cleaning solutions, deep cleaning tips, and what to avoid to keep those floors looking stunning for years.


brown hybrid timber flooring


The Basics of LVP Flooring Care

  • Routine sweeping/dry mopping: Your first line of defence! A quick sweep or dry mop once a day removes any dirt or debris that could scratch the surface.
  • Spills happen: Deal with spills right away before they can set in. A damp cloth is usually all you need.
  • Doormats are your friend: Place doormats at front and back entrances to capture most dirt and moisture before they reach your LVP floors.

Preparing To Clean Your LVP Flooring

Before you start mopping, gather your supplies. You'll need a soft broom, a microfiber mop, a bucket, a gentle LVP-friendly cleaner, and a few clean rags. 


To make your cleaning easier, clear the area of any chairs or clutter that might get in your way. This gives you plenty of room to work and helps you avoid bumping objects as you clean.


Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning LVP Flooring

Sweeping and Dry Mopping 

Start with a thorough sweep or dry mop to get rid of dust, crumbs, and any loose debris. This prevents scratches and keeps your floors looking great.


Wet Cleaning Methods and Solutions

  1. Mix your solution: Fill a bucket with warm water. Add a few drops of mild dish soap or a specialised LVP cleaner (follow the product instructions for dilution).
  2. Damp mop, not soaked: Dip your mop, wring it out thoroughly so it's damp, and mop in the direction of the planks. Avoid leaving puddles of water.
  3. Work in sections: Tackle the room in small sections, rinsing and wringing out your mop as you go.

Tips for Deep Cleaning and When To Do It

While regular sweeping and mopping go a long way, your LVP floors will occasionally need a more thorough cleaning. 

Aim for a deep cleaning session every few months, or more often if you notice heavy buildup, stubborn stains, or if your floors just seem to be losing their usual shine.

For tougher stains that don't come off with regular cleaning, a simple trick is to use a paste of baking soda and water. Apply the paste directly to the stain and let it sit for a few minutes.

Then, gently scrub the area with a soft cloth or sponge. Baking soda is mildly abrasive, so it helps lift stubborn grime without damaging the LVP surface.



What To Avoid When Cleaning LVP Flooring

You want to protect your LVP floors to keep them looking their best for as long as possible. That means steering clear of a few things.


Harsh chemicals like bleach, ammonia, or other super abrasive cleaners can damage the protective finish of your LVPs, leaving them vulnerable to scratches and looking dull.  

Wax and polishing products are also unnecessary for LVPs; they won't enhance their appearance and can actually leave behind a film that attracts dirt more easily.

Steam mops are another no-no. The excess heat and moisture from a steam mop could potentially warp your flooring over time.  

Finally, avoid scouring pads, stiff brushes, or anything overly abrasive. These tools can create tiny scratches on the surface of your LVPs, making them harder to clean and dull their shine.


LVP Flooring Maintenance Tips

To keep your luxury vinyl flooring looking its best for as long as possible, follow these maintenance tips:

  • Use protective pads under furniture and avoid dragging furniture across the floor.
  • Keep your pets' nails trimmed to prevent floor scratches.
  • Use doormats at entrances and rugs in high-traffic areas to minimise dirt and debris.
  • Protect from fading caused by prolonged exposure to direct sunlight by investing in curtains, blinds, shades, shutters, or UV-protective window films.

Keep Your Floors Immaculate: Schedule Your Consultation With Amber Today!

Remember, keeping your LVP floors looking stunning is all about regular care and using the right products. Sweeping, mopping with a gentle cleaner, and the occasional deeper clean will keep grime at bay. 

By avoiding harsh chemicals and abrasive tools, your floors will stay beautiful for years to come.

Now that you know how to clean LVP flooring like a pro, are you inspired to upgrade your floors? Step into the world of LVP and find the perfect option for your home or commercial space.

Browse Amber's stunning, high-quality LVP flooring range online. Or, visit a showroom near you to see the range in person. 

You can also book a free design consultation for professional advice from one of our Amber team experts. Alternatively, contact our team for more information by filling out this online form.


FAQs About How To Clean LVP Flooring

  • What Is the Best Thing To Clean LVP Flooring With?

    For everyday cleaning, the best solution is warm water mixed with a small amount of mild dish soap. 

    This gentle combination effectively removes dirt and grime without leaving behind streaks or residue. 

    If you prefer a commercial cleaner, choose one specifically formulated for LVPs and follow the instructions on the label.

  • Does Vinegar Damage LVP Flooring?

    While diluted white vinegar is sometimes suggested for cleaning, it's best to avoid it on LVP floors. 

    Vinegar is acidic and could dull the finish of your floors over time. Stick to pH-neutral cleaners designed for LVPs for the safest and best results.

  • What Destroys Vinyl Plank Flooring?

    A few things can damage LVP flooring and shorten its lifespan. Avoid harsh chemicals like bleach or ammonia, which will damage the protective finish. Using abrasive scrubbers or stiff-bristled brushes can create scratches.

    Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can cause fading or discolouration over time. And don't forget, excessive moisture, like pooling water or a steam mop, could potentially warp your LVPs.